Difference between revisions of "Jobnet Integration"

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(Created page with "== About == == Basic usage == == All fields == {| |'''Parameter''' |'''Type''' |'''Default''' |'''Required''' |'''Description''' |- |ApplicationDetails.ApplicationMethods....")
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== About ==
== About ==
It's possible to upload jobs to JobNet using the tsJobnet servlet.<br/>
This site documents the interface.

== Basic usage ==
== Usage ==
Send a POST or GET-request to the servlet-endpoint "/addJob" with the required parameters as url-parameters.<br/>
If a parameter is missing, the servlet will return HTTP-CODE 403 and a message in the body, telling you what was wrong.

== All fields ==
== All fields ==

{| class="wikitable"
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|A short description of the job, not the full description, that is JobDetails.Description

Line 270: Line 274:
|Has to be after PublishStartDate, but at the longest 8 weeks after
|Has to be today or after
|String (base64)
|max. 200x135px / 100KB
|String (email)
|String (phone-number)
|Has to be one of "WageSubsidy", "HotJob", "Normal", "SpringStone", "Flexjob", "EarlyRetirement", "JobRotation", "EarlyRetiree", "CompanyInternship", "NormalAndEarlyRetiree", or"NormalAndEarlyRetireeWithHotJob"
|String (phone-number)
|Has to be "PermanentJob" or "LimitedPeriod"
|The description of the job. If it contains html ([https://starwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FYS/pages/56590365/JobAdService subset]) it has to be wrapped in <![CDATA[]]>
|Required drivers licenses to apply for the job. Can be any combination of A1, A, B, BE, C, CE, D, DE, A10, AMa, AMb, A2, C1, D1, C1E, D1E, Taxi, Traktor, Truck, BusErhverv, DigitalFartskriver, EUGodsErhverv and EUBusErhverv, seperated by a comma
|String (date)
|String (date)
|String ([[JobnetConceptUri]])
|Has to be PartTime or FullTime
|Expected maximum of hours of work, a week, if PartTime
|Expected minimum of hours of work, a week, if PartTime
|The title being hired for

Latest revision as of 15:38, 7 January 2022


It's possible to upload jobs to JobNet using the tsJobnet servlet.
This site documents the interface.


Send a POST or GET-request to the servlet-endpoint "/addJob" with the required parameters as url-parameters.
If a parameter is missing, the servlet will return HTTP-CODE 403 and a message in the body, telling you what was wrong.

All fields

Parameter Type Default Required Description
ApplicationDetails.ApplicationMethods.ApplyByEmail String (email) No
ApplicationDetails.ApplicationMethods.ApplyByLetter Boolean false No
ApplicationDetails.ApplicationMethods.ApplyByTelephone String (phone-number) No
ApplicationDetails.ApplicationMethods.ApplyOnline String (url) No
ApplicationDetails.Description String No A short description of the job, not the full description, that is JobDetails.Description
ApplicationDetails.JobContactList.JobContactType.Email String (email) Yes
ApplicationDetails.JobContactList.JobContactType.PersonNameStructure.PersonGivenName String Yes
ApplicationDetails.JobContactList.JobContactType.PersonNameStructure.PersonSurnameName String Yes
ApplicationDetails.JobContactList.JobContactType.Title String Yes
ApplicationDetails.JobContactList.JobContactType.HidePhoneNumbers Boolean true Yes
ApplicationDetails.JobContactList.JobContactType.TelephoneNumberStructure.MobileNumber String (phone-number) No
ApplicationDetails.JobContactList.JobContactType.TelephoneNumberStructure.PrimaryNumber String (phone-number) No
ApplicationDetails.JobContactList.JobContactType.TelephoneNumberStructure.SecondaryNumber String (phone-number) No
ApplicationDetails.JobContactList.JobContactType.TelephoneNumberStructure.Telefax String (phone-number) No
ApplicationDetails.Referral String No
HiringOrganizationDetails.AddressStructure.CountryCode String Yes
HiringOrganizationDetails.AddressStructure.FloorIdentifier String No
HiringOrganizationDetails.AddressStructure.MunicipalityId Integer Yes
HiringOrganizationDetails.AddressStructure.MunicipalityName String Yes
HiringOrganizationDetails.AddressStructure.PostalCity String Yes
HiringOrganizationDetails.AddressStructure.PostalCode String Yes
HiringOrganizationDetails.AddressStructure.StreetBuildingIdentifier String Yes
HiringOrganizationDetails.AddressStructure.StreetName String Yes
HiringOrganizationDetails.AddressStructure.SuiteIdentifier String No
HiringOrganizationDetails.BranchCode Integer Yes
HiringOrganizationDetails.BranchDescription String Yes
HiringOrganizationDetails.Contact.Email String (email) No
HiringOrganizationDetails.Contact.PersonNameStructure.PersonGivenName String Yes
HiringOrganizationDetails.Contact.PersonNameStructure.PersonSurnameName String Yes
HiringOrganizationDetails.Contact.Title String No
HiringOrganizationDetails.Contact.PrimaryNumber String (phone-number) No
HiringOrganizationDetails.Contact.SecondaryNumber String (phone-number) No
HiringOrganizationDetails.Contact.Telefax String (phone-number) No
HiringOrganizationDetails.CvrNumber String No
HiringOrganizationDetails.Name String Yes
HiringOrganizationDetails.PNumber String No
HiringOrganizationDetails.Url String No
JobAdDetails.JobPublishDates.LastModifiedDate String No
JobAdDetails.JobPublishDates.PublishEndDate String Yes Has to be after PublishStartDate, but at the longest 8 weeks after
JobAdDetails.JobPublishDates.PublishStartDate String Yes Has to be today or after
JobAdDetails.Logo String (base64) No max. 200x135px / 100KB
JobAdDetails.PostedBy.Email String (email) No
JobAdDetails.PostedBy.PersonNameStructure.PersonGivenName String Yes
JobAdDetails.PostedBy.PersonNameStructure.PersonSurnameName String Yes
JobAdDetails.PostedBy.Title String No
JobAdDetails.PostedBy.ContactGuid String No
JobAdDetails.PostedBy.PrimaryNumber String (phone-number) No
JobAdDetails.PostedBy.Telefax String No
JobAdDetails.PostedBy.UserRid String No
JobAdDetails.Type String Normal No Has to be one of "WageSubsidy", "HotJob", "Normal", "SpringStone", "Flexjob", "EarlyRetirement", "JobRotation", "EarlyRetiree", "CompanyInternship", "NormalAndEarlyRetiree", or"NormalAndEarlyRetireeWithHotJob"
JobDetails.AuthorityId Integer 0 No
JobDetails.AuthorityPhoneNumber String (phone-number) No
JobDetails.Classification.EmploymentType String PermanentJob No Has to be "PermanentJob" or "LimitedPeriod"
JobDetails.Classification.IsEuresJob Boolean false No
JobDetails.Classification.IsPublicSectorJob Boolean false No
JobDetails.Classification.IsWorkInDenmarkJob Boolean false No
JobDetails.Description String Yes The description of the job. If it contains html (subset) it has to be wrapped in <![CDATA[]]>
JobDetails.DriversLicences Comma-List No Required drivers licenses to apply for the job. Can be any combination of A1, A, B, BE, C, CE, D, DE, A10, AMa, AMb, A2, C1, D1, C1E, D1E, Taxi, Traktor, Truck, BusErhverv, DigitalFartskriver, EUGodsErhverv and EUBusErhverv, seperated by a comma
JobDetails.HidePhonenumbers Boolean false No
JobDetails.IsAnonymousEmployer Boolean false No
JobDetails.IsDisabilityFriendly Boolean false No
JobDetails.JobDates.ApplicationDeadlineDate String (date) Yes
JobDetails.JobDates.EmploymentDate String (date) No
JobDetails.JobDates.StartAsSoonAsPossible Boolean false No
JobDetails.JobLocation.Address.CountryCode String Yes
JobDetails.JobLocation.Address.FloorIdentifier String No
JobDetails.JobLocation.Address.MunicipalityId Integer Yes
JobDetails.JobLocation.Address.MunicipalityName String Yes
JobDetails.JobLocation.Address.PostalCity String Yes
JobDetails.JobLocation.Address.PostalCode String Yes
JobDetails.JobLocation.Address.StreetBuildingIdentifier String Yes
JobDetails.JobLocation.Address.StreetName String Yes
JobDetails.JobLocation.Address.SuiteIdentifier String No
JobDetails.JobLocation.NoLocalBusinessAddress Boolean false No
JobDetails.NumberOfPositions Integer 1 No
JobDetails.OccupationConceptUri String (JobnetConceptUri) Yes
JobDetails.Schedule.DailyWorkTime.Day Boolean false No
JobDetails.Schedule.DailyWorkTime.Evening Boolean false No
JobDetails.Schedule.DailyWorkTime.Night Boolean false No
JobDetails.Schedule.DailyWorkTime.Weekend Boolean false No
JobDetails.Schedule.WeeklyWorkTimeTypes String FullTime No Has to be PartTime or FullTime
JobDetails.Schedule.WorkHour.Max Integer No Expected maximum of hours of work, a week, if PartTime
JobDetails.Schedule.WorkHour.Min Integer No Expected minimum of hours of work, a week, if PartTime
JobDetails.Title String Yes The title being hired for


At least one application method (ApplicationDetails.ApplicationMethods) has to be set.
At least one phonenumber has to be set for job-contact (ApplicationDetails.JobContactList.JobContactType.TelephoneNumberStructure).
If schedule (JobDetails.Schedule.WeeklyWorkTimeTypes) equals "FullTime", workhours (JobDetails.Schedule.WorkHour.Min and JobDetails.Schedule.WorkHour.Max) can't be set.
JobDetails.Schedule.WorkHour.Min has to be lower than JobDetails.Schedule.WorkHour.Max and between 0 and 36.
JobDetails.Schedule.WorkHour.Max has to be greater than JobDetails.Schedule.WorkHour.Min and between 1 and 36.
If schedule (JobDetails.Schedule.WeeklyWorkTimeTypes) Equals "PartTime", workhours (JobDetails.Schedule.WorkHour.Min and JobDetails.Schedule.WorkHour.Max) have to be set.