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Adding Elastic search to you existing TS installation, will provide you with freetext searches in data and files.
Files are indexed together with the data in the records, so a record can be found by either their record values (name, phone etc.) or by search hits in files attached to those records. Results are filtered realtime according to the current security model, so no indexing is needed if settings change.
In order to index records and files you will need to complete these steps
- Install standalone Elastic search server
- Install and configure Tempus Serva file indexing
- Configure the Tempus Serva installation
Finally you may want to install optional components to handle OCR (scanned PDF's and images)
Install Elastic search
Java 8 / Elastic search 6
This is the recommended version but requires Java 8.
Follow these steps:
sudo rpm --import https://packages.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch sudo sh -c 'curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/nl5887/b4a56bfd84501c2b2afb/raw/elasticsearch.repo >> /etc/yum.repos.d/elasticsearch.repo' sudo yum update -y sudo yum install -y elasticsearch sudo chkconfig elasticsearch on
Run the daemon
sudo service elasticsearch start
Java 7 / Elastic search 1.7
This version is an alternate version.
Install and unpack files
sudo wget https://download.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-1.7.6.tar.gz tar -xvf elasticsearch-1.7.6.tar.gz sudo rm elasticsearch-1.7.6.tar.gz
Run as a daemon
elasticsearch-1.7.6/bin/elasticsearch -d
Test that the service is running
curl 'http://localhost:9200/?pretty'
Install TS indexing service
Install war file
cd /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps/ sudo wget https://www.tempusserva.dk/install/tsFileIndexingService.war
A couple of seconds later you can configure he data connection and paths for OCR librarys
sudo nano /usr/share/tomcat7/conf/Catalina/localhost/tsFileIndexingService.xml
Example configurations can be seen below
Restart server after changes
Windows example configuration
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context antiJARLocking="true" path="/tsFileIndexingService">
<Resource name="jdbc/TempusServaLive" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
maxActive="80" maxIdle="30" maxWait="2000"
removeAbandoned="true" removeAbandonedTimeout="60" logAbandoned="true"
validationQuery="SELECT 1" validationInterval="30000" testOnBorrow="true"
username="root" password="TempusServaFTW!" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
<Parameter name="ExecutableImageMagick" value="c:\ImageMagick\convert"/>
<Parameter name="ExecutableGhostscript" value="c:\Program Files\gs\gs9.20\bin\gswin64c.exe"/>
<Parameter name="ExecutableTesseract" value="c:\Program Files (x86)\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract"/>
<Parameter name="LanguagesTesseract" value="eng+dan"/>
<Parameter name="ElasticServerAddress" value="localhost"/>
Linux example configuration
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context antiJARLocking="true" path="/tsFileIndexingService">
<Resource name="jdbc/TempusServaLive" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
maxActive="80" maxIdle="30" maxWait="2000"
removeAbandoned="true" removeAbandonedTimeout="60" logAbandoned="true"
validationQuery="SELECT 1" validationInterval="30000" testOnBorrow="true"
username="root" password="TempusServaFTW!" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
<Parameter name="ExecutableImageMagick" value="/usr/bin/convert"/>
<Parameter name="ExecutableGhostscript" value="/usr/bin/ghostscript"/>
<Parameter name="ExecutableTesseract" value="/usr/bin/tesseract"/>
<Parameter name="LanguagesTesseract" value="eng+dan"/>
<Parameter name="ElasticServerAddress" value="localhost"/>
Enable and test indexing in Tempus Serva
Set the following configurations to true
- fulltextIndexData
- fulltextIndexFile
Also add port 8080 to the following URL
- fulltextFileHandlerURL
Update any record in the TS installation
Tjeck the index is created and that there is a mapping for the solution
curl 'http://localhost:9200/tempusserva/?pretty'
Next validate that records are found when searched for (replace * with a valid string)
curl 'http://localhost:9200/tempusserva/_search?pretty&q=*'
Finally validate that the Tempus Serva wrapper also works
Optional OCR components
Some libraries must be installed (ghostscript is probably allready installed)
sudo yum install ImageMagick sudo yum install ghostscript
Also install tesseract
sudo yum install tesseract-ocr
Amazon linux
sudo yum --enablerepo=epel --disablerepo=amzn-main install libwebp sudo yum --enablerepo=epel --disablerepo=amzn-main install tesseract
Afterwards change the configurations in the file indexer
sudo nano /usr/share/tomcat6/conf/Catalina/localhost/tsFileIndexingService.xml
The values should be
- /usr/bin/tesseract
- /usr/bin/convert
- /usr/bin/ghostscript
After changing the values restart the server.
Lucene data store and services
Lucene data store will contain lines for each record and record file in the system.
All data in Lucene data store will be sent to Elastic search. Every time a record is updated an entry is made in Lucene data store, and by default the data is sent synchroniously to ElasticSearch (fulltextBatchProcessBlobs).
Files are instead put in the Lucene file queue. By default the indexer is notified imidiately, a will start executing the Lucene file queue. When finished each translated text is written back into the Lucene data store and deleted from the Lucene file queue. Data is by default be sent to Elastic search right away (fulltextBatchProcessFiles).
TS contains 2 services
- Data index builder
- File index builder
These services sends data from Lucene data store to ElasticSearch. As mentioned this will normally be carried out automatically / synchroniously, unless some kind of error occurs - like Elastic being offline etc. In that case unprocessed items queue up: In the datastore, file queue or both.
Running the services will handle everything in the queues.
Consider having Data index builder running every day (1440 mins) to clean up the queue now and then.
Trouble shooting
Status on the file indexing
The file indexer has a stus page that will display information about the state of the indexer
The page also constains a goodword "HEALTHY" taht is displayed if the process has not exceeded the specified timeouts.
Controlling timeouts
Timeouts are specified in seconds and should be tuned to CPU size and quality of documents
<Parameter name="TimeoutTesseract" value="600"/> <Parameter name="TimeoutGhostscript" value="60"/>
Poor quality documents on virtualized environments can easily consume about a minute per page.
Debugging OCR proces
By default output from the external components are written to logfiles, which can be disabled by adding this option
<Parameter name="SuppressCommandOutput" value="0"/>
Note that there is a switch in configuration file (context.xml) which can disable file deletion on the server
<Parameter name="DisableFileCleanup" value=""/>
Reindex files
Before reindexing starts may clean up the index (this is optional)
DELETE FROM lucenedatastore WHERE FieldID > 0;
To reindex execute the statement below using the following parameters
- schema of the database (example: "tslive")
- file table of the solution (example: "data_solution_file")
INSERT INTO lucenefilequeue (application,tablename,FileID) SELECT 'tslive', 'data_solution_file', f.ID as FileID FROM data_solution_file as f WHERE f.IsDeleted = 0;
After executing the statement execute the indexing service and wait patiently
Rewrite index
I case your Elastic Search is lost or corrupted it is quite easy to add the whole database to Elastic search
UPDATE lucenedatastore SET IsProcessed = 0;
Note this will just add all data once more - there is no indexing or OCR being carried out.