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=== Need manual crontab install ? ===
=== Need manual crontab install ? ===
# sudo crontab -e
* sudo crontab -e
# press ESC
* press ESC
# move to bottom of file
* move to bottom of file
# press o
* press o
# paste this
* paste this

   0 0 1 * * /usr/bin/tsrefreshcerts.sh
   0 0 1 * * /usr/bin/tsrefreshcerts.sh

# press :wq
* press :wq

Revision as of 11:39, 30 December 2020


Tomcat 7 automatic installation

Using the TS commandline tools, you specify the domain and your email

  tsinstallssl.sh server.acme.com [email protected]

After a couple of minutes you will be rquired to enter the domain an email again, and accept the terms of service

Tomcat 7 manual installation

Install and configure letsencrypt

Download an build certbot (letsencrypt client)

  sudo yum -y install python27-devel git (deprecated)
  sudo yum -y install python36 python36-pip
  sudo yum -y install git-all
  sudo git clone https://github.com/letsencrypt/letsencrypt /opt/letsencrypt
  /opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto --debug --agree-tos

Create a config file

  sudo touch /etc/letsencrypt/config.ini
  sudo chmod 777 /etc/letsencrypt/config.ini
  sudo echo "rsa-key-size = 4096" >> /etc/letsencrypt/config.ini
  sudo echo "email = [email protected]" >> /etc/letsencrypt/config.ini

Generate PKCS12 certificate

Generate a certificate

  sudo mkdir /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT
  /opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto certonly --debug --webroot -w /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT -d letsencrypt.tempusserva.dk --config /etc/letsencrypt/config.ini --agree-tos 

Convert to pkcs12 format

  sudo -s
  cd /etc/letsencrypt/live/letsencrypt.tempusserva.dk
  openssl pkcs12 -export -out bundle.pfx -inkey privkey.pem -in cert.pem -certfile chain.pem -password pass:TempusServaSecret
  chmod 755 bundle.pfx
  chmod 755 /etc/letsencrypt/live
  Press: ctrl + d

Install certificate in Tomcat

Edit Tomcat configuration

sudo nano  /usr/share/tomcat7/conf/server.xml
          port="8443" maxThreads="200"
          scheme="https" secure="true" SSLEnabled="true"
          keystoreFile="/etc/letsencrypt/live/letsencrypt.tempusserva.dk/bundle.pfx" keystorePass="TempusServaSecret"
          clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreType="PKCS12"/>

Reboot the server

service tomcat7 restart

Automated renewals

Before starting test that the renewal process works

/opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto renew --dry-run

Make sure the path is accessible from cron

 sudo chmod go+x /etc/letsencrypt/archive
 sudo chmod go+x /etc/letsencrypt/live

Make a script file

sudo nano /usr/bin/tsrefreshcerts.sh

.... containing the following commands

/opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto renew
cd /etc/letsencrypt/live/letsencrypt.tempusserva.dk
openssl pkcs12 -export -out bundle.pfx -inkey privkey.pem -in cert.pem -certfile chain.pem -password pass:TempusServaSecret

Now add a job to the crontab

 sudo crontab -l > tempcron
 echo "0 0 1 * * /usr/bin/tsrefreshcerts.sh" >> tempcron
 sudo crontab tempcron
 rm tempcron   

Problems with Amazon Linux ?

In case the autorenewal process fails try updating the dependencies and pip

 sudo /opt/eff.org/certbot/venv/bin/pip2 install cryptography zope interface 
 sudo /opt/eff.org/certbot/venv/bin/pip2 install --upgrade pip
 sudo rsync -avz /opt/eff.org/certbot/venv/lib64/python2.7/dist-packages/ /opt/eff.org/certbot/venv/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/

Still got problems with Amazon Linux ?

In case certbot cant find the root folder try and run it manually

 sudo /opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto certonly

Choose the following values when prompted

 2: Place files in webroot directory (webroot)
 2: Renew & replace the cert (may be subject to CA rate limits)

Need manual crontab install ?


  • sudo crontab -e
  • press ESC
  • move to bottom of file
  • press o
  • paste this
  0 0 1 * * /usr/bin/tsrefreshcerts.sh
  • press :wq