Updating to design version 5

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Step by step guide

Thefollowing steps are rquired to update your design

  1. Activate version 5 layout + bootstrap 4
    1. Set configuration > layoutNewestVersion = true
  2. Update stylesheet
    1. Copy new stylesheet (see below)
    2. Change color codes in new sheet
    3. Set configuration > defaultStylesheet = <ID>
  3. Update wrapper
    1. Copy new wrapper (see below)
    2. Set configuration > defaultWrapper = <ID>

Additionally you might want to update how Dashboards work too

  1. Set configuration > dashboardMain = true
  2. Change widget layouts (for each)
    1. Set width to 1/12 parts (6 = half, 12 = full)

Sample stylesheet

 :root {
   --themePrimary: #007bff; 
   --themePrimaryLight: #cbe4ff;
   --themePrimaryDark: #312783;
   --themePrimarySpecial: #648bb7;
   --themeTeritary: #8e9aa7;
   --themeDark: #333333;
   --themeGreyDark: #5a626b;
   --themeGrey: #ced4da;
   --themeLightGrey: #f8f9fc;
   --themeLight: #ffffff;
 .logo {
     background: url(https://alpha.tempusserva.dk/TempusServa/media/korsbaek-white.13.svg) no-repeat !important;
     background-position-x: left;
     background-position-y: center;
     background-size: contain !important;
     width: 300px;
     margin-top: 8px;
     height: 44px;

Sample wrapper

 <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="https://www.tempusserva.dk/favicon.ico" />
 <meta name="application-name" content="Tempus Serva" />
 <meta name='viewport' content='initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0'>
 <meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
 <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">