Tutorial/OLAP example

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We have a solution

  • Change management [changemanagement]

The solution contains the following lookup fields

  • Scope [TYPE]
  • Type [TASKTYPE]

It also has some decimal values

  • Estimate [ESTIMATE]
  • Realized [REALIZED]

In our reporting we want to see distributions by

  • A period hierachy: Year / Quarter / Month
  • Categorieres by Scope, Type and Status

Setting up the cube

A new OLAP cube is set up in: "Integration" > "OLAP cubes" > "Add"

Basic information

  • Name display: sample1
  • Cube header: Report sample1

Cube definition ("Cube Schema XML")

For further help to designing schemas please refer to the following ressources

 <Cube name="sample1cube">
<Dimension name="Scope" foreignKey="TASKTYPE"> <Hierarchy hasAll="true" primaryKey="LookupID">
<Level name="Type" column="Value" uniqueMembers="true"/> </Hierarchy> </Dimension> <Dimension name="Type" foreignKey="TYPE"> <Hierarchy hasAll="true" primaryKey="LookupID">
<Level name="Type" column="Value" uniqueMembers="true"/> </Hierarchy> </Dimension> <Dimension name="Status" foreignKey="StatusID"> <Hierarchy hasAll="true" primaryKey="StatusID">
<Level name="Type" column="Status" uniqueMembers="true"/> </Hierarchy> </Dimension> <Dimension name="Period" type="TimeDimension"> <Hierarchy name="Periode" hasAll="true" allMemberName="All period">
<Level name="Aar" levelType="TimeYears" uniqueMembers="true"> <KeyExpression> <SQL dialect="mysql">Year(CreatedAt)</SQL> <SQL dialect="generic">YEAR</SQL> </KeyExpression> </Level> <Level name="Kvartal" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="TimeQuarters"> <KeyExpression> <SQL dialect="mysql">Quarter(CreatedAt)</SQL> <SQL dialect="generic">Quarter</SQL> </KeyExpression> </Level> <Level name="Maaned" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="TimeMonths"> <KeyExpression> <SQL dialect="mysql">Month(CreatedAt)</SQL> <SQL dialect="generic">Month</SQL> </KeyExpression> </Level> </Hierarchy> </Dimension> <Measure name="Revision" column="Revision" aggregator="sum" formatString="Standard"/> <Measure name="Estimate" column="ESTIMATTIMER" aggregator="sum" formatString="Standard"/> <Measure name="Realized" column="REALISERETTIMER" aggregator="sum" formatString="Standard"/> </Cube>

MDX query ("Cube Query MDX")

For further help to designing queries please refer to the following ressources

   NON EMPTY {([Measures].[Estimate],[Measures].[Realized])} ON COLUMNS,
   NON EMPTY {([Period],[Type],[Status])} ON ROWS
 from [sample1cube]


The cube is acccesed via this URL (or press "test" form the OLAP overview) http://YOUR_DOMAIN/TempusServa/olapview.jsp?query=sample1

Sample olap.PNG

Sample olap expanded.PNG