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Introduction to the REST interface

This article has not yet been fully converted to Wiki format.

Please download the original article: Tempus Serva REST interface.pdf

The rest interface has two versions.

  • v1, XML-version (default)
  • v2, JSON-version

Version 1

Netbeans quick start guide

Steps to create a simple interaction

  1. Add Webservice to ide (wadl import)
    • URL: [ServerName]/[ApplicationName]/rest/[SolutionSystemName].wadl
    • If import causes trouble: Download the wadl file
  2. Create a new project
    1. Add REST Client to project
      • Point to newly created webservice: [SolutionSystemName]
    2. Add JAXB bindings to project (use XSD schema)
      • URL: [ServerName]/[ApplicationName]/rest/[SolutionSystemName].xsd
      • If import causes trouble: Download the xsd file

Sample code for list view (BASIC athentication)

//Create session
FirmabilerClient session = new FirmabilerClient();
session.setUsernamePassword("admin", "password1223");

//Set search parameters (first parameter is a dummy)
FirmabilerList result = session.getList(FirmabilerList.class, "", "TITEL=Kasper" );

//Retrieve data and print
List <FirmabilerListItem> list = result.getFirmabilerListItem();
for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) {
    //Handle single item
    FirmabilerListItem item = list.get(i);
    System.out.println( item.getDataID() + "\t" + item.getNUMMERPLADE() );

//Close connection

Sample code for list view (parameter credentials)

//Create session
FirmabilerClient session = new FirmabilerClient();

//Login and set search parameters 
FirmabilerList result = session.getList(FirmabilerList.class, "admin", "password1223", "TITEL=Kasper" );

//Retrieve data and print
List <FirmabilerListItem> list = result.getFirmabilerListItem();
for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) {
    //Handle single item
    FirmabilerListItem item = list.get(i);
    System.out.println( item.getDataID() + "\t" + item.getNUMMERPLADE() );

//Close connection

URL structure

When logged in the following URLs are available without further authentication

Data list operations: GET, PUT, POST


Data item operations: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE


Note: The fowllowing file handling endpoints are scheduled for Q2 2020

File list operations: PUT, POST


File item operations: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE


Query parameters

The REST API supports the same filtering and search parameters, as the list-command Integration/Content_source.