Field type reference

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TS has more than a 150 different content types. Some are based on primitive types (eg. integers) while others deliver complex functionality (eg. document librarys).


Integer Integer value
Decimal Numbers with decimal comma
Percentage Percentage value (decimal)
Yes/No Check box. Yes/No. The values can be shown with other words or icons
Serial Unique serial number
Response Interval in questionnaire
Enumeration Named numbers ex. Grades
Symbol Use icons as status flow and categories
Date Date with calendar look-up
Time Selector for point in time
Datetime Date with calendar/time look-up
Month Choice of month, including translation
Year Choice of year
Text A single line of a text (ex. Name)
Text mulitline Mulible line of text (ex. Adresses)
Notepad Editor shown in the interface
Hierachy/tree Hierarchy of values
Email User email-adress
Website (URL) Internet adress
Unique key (GUID) Global Unique ID (GUID) for records, inserted automatically on record creation.
Text with lookup A single line text with look-up in exciting values
Phone phone number with the possibility for look-up
CPR nummer validation of control digits with the personal identification number
CVR nummer CVR number with look-up in the CVR register
Static content Read-out of various content
Static button Buttom with functionality
Static message Notification on top of the page
Static script Execution of the code when changing other boxes
Script function Execution of the code with value insertion into other fields


Lookup (shared) Look-up in common list of values
Lookup Look-up in local list of values
User Users of the system. Those who are being added, can as an option be notified
Group Groups in the system. Those who are being added, can as an option be notified
Dependent list (lokal) Choise based on another local list
Dependent category Categories based on value
List replica Copi of another list (same option)
Lookup: Currency code List of currency code
User Exclusive User from af certain Exclusive group
Variant selector List of types, which are controlling which other boxes are being showed
Database: Opslag indtastning Look-up of values in foreign database
Database: Opslag liste valg Table of values from foreign
SQL: Subselect Enquiry in own or foreign database
Lookup: Data item Create reference to item in another solution
Lookup: Data item nested For use with Lookup: Data item
Value copy Showing other values based on a key
Value copy (text) Coping TEXT value based on key (searchable)
Value copy (heltal) Coping INTEGER value based on key (searchable)
Value copy (decimal) Coping DECIMAL value based on key (searchable)
Value copy (yes/no) Coping Yes/No values based on key (searchable)
Value copy (date) Coping DATE values based on key (searchable)
Value copy (cpr) Coping CPR number based on key (searchable)

Lookup AJAX

Lookup: Postnr / by Autofilling of postal number and city
Lookup: UNSPSC Autofilling of the product category system of UN
Lookup: NACE code Autofilling of NACE business codes
Lookup: Country Autofilling of land
Lookup: ICD diagnose Autofilling of ICD diagnosis code
SKS Undersøgelse Dynamic lookup of values from SKS Undersøgelse
SKS Diagnose Dynamic lookup of values from SKS Diagnose
SKS Operation Dynamic lookup of values from SKS Operation
SKS Behandling Dynamic lookup of values from SKS Behandling
SKS ATC Dynamic lookup of values from SKS ATC
SKS Ulykke Dynamic lookup of values from SKS Ulykke
SKS Afdeling Dynamic lookup of values from SKS Afdeling


Documents Upload / download of files including versioning
Pictures Photo gallery with thumbnail index
Document builder Build document base on solution file template
Filesystem files Download of local files on the intranet

Tabular data

Table Table with a range of subfield
Tasklist Tasklist with export to vTodo
Contact list Contact list with export to vCard
Mailbox Inbox for each data item with many security options. Please refer to advanced configuration.


List of children List of all underplaced data
Parent reference Link/resume to above placed data
Calc children: Sum Sum of values in underplaced data
Calc children: Count Sum of elements in underplaced data
Calc children: Unique Sum of unique values in underplaced data
Calc children: Minimum Minimum value in underplaced data
Calc children: Maximum Maximum value in underplaced data
List of children (type filter) For use with 'Children type selector'
Children type selector (type filer) For use with 'List of children (type)'
List of children (status filter) Filtered selection of subitems
List of children (select fields) Filtered selection of fields including sortorder


Checklist lookup Number of categories
Signature Digital signature or approval
Calc: Test value Test of the value of another field
Calc: Formula Formula based on other fields
Calc: Concatenate Making a text based on values from other fields
Calc: Time lifecycle Time spent since the beginning of the case or since last correction
Calc: Time measured Total waiting time
Calc: Score interval Translation of values in intervals
Calc: Check fields Check if a list of fields has been filled out
Comments Entry of a list of comments from the users of the case
Related form multiselect Filter with single parameters including standard security.
Related form multiselect SQL Freeform definition with multiple parameters with optional security.
XML data XML data in lists, table or own output format
Barcode (status change) Barcode to change status automatically


Status The present status of the case
Created The creation date of the case
Modified The change date of the case
Completed The termination date of the case
Status set The last status update of the case
Created by User who created the case
Modified by User who modified the case
Completed by User who completed the case
Status set by User who updated the case
Master status Masterstatus based on the status of the case
Solution type Selection of a solution type
Exclusive group Selection of an Exclusive group
Member list Users with access to the element


Age calc (date/CPR) Estimating the age of the user based on date and CPR number
Body Mass Index Estimating BMI based on height and weight
Activity measure Measurement of weekly activity
Gender (CPR) Deduction of gender based on CPR number
Checkbox counter Check mark of month, days or other
MET scoreboard Measurement of month, amount and size

Action button

Button: Token URL builder Building link to external users
Button: Export template Export of data to a certain template
Button: Script execution Execute script on page and/or saving data
Button: Parameterized URL Look-up in foreign webbased system
Button: Related list search Look-up in related list with parameter
Button: Grand child search Look-up in related data (Grand children)
Button: Codeunit execution Execute proprietary code
Filter selector static Set value in user session. For example for data filters.

Visual extra

Visual: Target gauge Total Show lifetime performance speedometer
Visual: Target gauge Step Show performance speedometer for this step


Word heatmap index Specialised index field only showned in reports
Question and answer Complex question with recommendation, numerical score and coloring
Complex question Complex question with recommendation, numerical score and coloring
Multiline: Complex question MULTIPLE LOCATION: Complex question
Multiline: Location editor MULTIPLE LOCATION: Name of location
Year comparator Comparing fields from previous years
Calc: Complex question (sum) Formula based on other fields
Calc: Count missing fields Number of missing fields in a form or questionaire