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What it does

  1. Generates a document based on a defined template
  2. Send a document from a document field to signing with NemID.
  3. The user will be notified via email. The message contains a link to where to sign the document
  4. When signing a document is generated including a NemID signature
  5. After signing, the document is saved in the same field carrying the postfix _signed

All steps after 1 are the same as SignNemIdActionStatus

How to setup

Add a status action and set the codeunit Classname to: dk.tempusserva.signing.nemid.SignNemIdActionStatusGenerator

Set the following entity configurations (same as SignNemIdActionStatus)

  • Signer.FieldFil Field containing the file to be signed
  • Signer.FieldFilID Field containing the file to be signed
  • Signer.FieldEmail Field containing the email of the signer
  • Signer.FieldCPR Reserved for future use (specify any field)
  • Signer.ServerToken Code to connect to the server (ask your TS contact)
  • Signer.StatusError StatusID to set on the data if failed
  • Signer.StatusSigned StatusID to set on the data if succes
  • Signer.EmailSubject Header on the email sent to the signer
  • Signer.EmailBody Content of the email sent to the signer

In addition the following entity configurations must be set

  • Signer.TemplateID What template to use to generate the output
  • Signer.FieldID Field to store the output in
  • Signer.FileName What to name the output file (teh same as Signer.FieldFil)