Legacy command line tools

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The shell tools are compatible with the following distributions

  • Amazon linux
  • RedHat linux
  • CentOS linux

Other versions are likely compatible if they support yum installer.

Installing the tools

Execute the following commands from youre UNIX command line

  1. cd /usr/bin
  2. sudo wget -N http://www.tempusserva.dk/deploy/amazon-tomcat7/tsrefreshscripts.sh
  3. sudo chmod 777 tsrefreshscripts.sh
  4. tsrefreshscripts.sh

The tools are installed into /usr/bin, and made available for all users.

Tool reference


All installers will ensure that underlying depencies are installed too

  • Java
  • Tomcat
  • Database
  • Database driver
  • TrueType fonts

A check is completed before each install operation

tsinstall.sh Installs Tempus Serva and all dependencies to /TempusServa and names databases: tslive, tstest, tsbase
tsinstallinstance.sh [application] Installs Tempus Serva and all dependencies to [application] and names the databases [application] + postfix: live, test, base
tsquickinstall.sh Installs Tempus Serva and all dependencies to /TempusServa, files are saved to root home folder and names databases: tslive, tstest, tsbase

Update with newer version

tsupgrade.sh Upgrades the /TempusServa default installation
tsupgradeinstance.sh [application] Upgrades the application by the name [application]
tsupgradebetatest.sh [application] Upgrades the application by the name [application] with a nightly build

Use in production environments at your own risc

System information

tsstatus.sh Lists various informations
  • Memory use
  • Disk use
  • Installed applications
  • Running cron jobs
tslogsgrep.sh [search] Fetches information from Tomcat log files, that contains [search]
tslogstail.sh Fetches information from Tomcat log files

Server maintanence

tsboot.sh Performs normal boot operations
  • Ensures data drive is mounted
  • Sets time and routing configuration
  • Starts both MySQL AND Tomcat
tsstop.sh Stops both MySQL AND Tomcat
tsstart.sh Starts both MySQL AND Tomcat
tsrestart.sh Stops Tomcat and starts it again (use: patch, change connection string etc)
tstomcatstop.sh Starts Tomcat
tstomcatstart.sh Stops Tomcat

Database access

Note the following scripts do not take care of firewalls etc.

tsmysqlremotestart.sh Creates remote user with DB access and prints credentials to screen
tsmysqlremotestop.sh Removes remote user and permissions

Other usefull scripts

tsbackupfull.sh Backups the database and runtime of ALL applications
tsbackupinstance.sh [application] Backups the database and runtime of an application named [application]
tsrefreshscripts.sh Check for updates and installs new versions of these scripts (tsxxx.sh)