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Policies are shared between all solutions in each Tempus Serva installation. Note that each property can be overloaded in the Servlet context (same file as the connection pool configuration).
Note: In the following sections only links in the color blue will contain additional information.
Server configuration
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
applicationBasePath | Application folder | Location of WAR / deployed web application | |
applicationDisplayName | Application display name | Name of application displayed to users | |
applicationlPort | Server port for HTTP | Port used running regular requests. Needs to match the setting in webcontainer definition (server.xm in Tomcat)l | |
applicationlPortSSL | Server port for HTTPS | Port used running SSL encrypted requests. Needs to match the setting in webcontainer definition (server.xm in Tomcat)l | |
applicationName | Application name | Name of application / folder - example http://myserver.com/APPLICATIONNAME/login | |
applicationServer | Application server hostname or IP | Base refernce for the server. IP example: Network name: localhost. Domain: bpms.acme.com | |
applicationURL | Application machine / URL | Base URL of the server as seen by the end user. Overlaps with value in applicationServer | |
cacheActive | Caching enabled (recommended) | Enable caching of system ressources. Alternative: Collect all ressources every time (very slow) | |
cacheBrowserExpireSeconds | Static content cache time (seconds) | Amount of time that images and scripts are cached i client browser. | |
cacheMaxObjectSize | Cache maximum size (bytes) | Maximum amount of memory consumed by the cache. Set as high as possible. | |
connectionPoolActive | Use connection pools (recommended) | Strongly recommended. Use webcontainer connection pools. Alternative: Application builds own connections (very slow) | |
defaultCharEncoding | Default Character Encoding | Recommended: ISO-8859 | |
doExtraUrlDecoding | Decode autocompletion / quicksearch | Use if experiencing problems with autocompletion / quicksearch | |
doRedirectAfterUpdate | Redirect user after updates | Strongly recommended. Slight performance hit, but enables browser BACK button | |
multiServerCoordination | Server cluster coordination | Coordinate cache flushing, user list etc. through database communication (polling). | |
serverTypeAutodetect | Server type detection | Autodetect compliance type | |
serverTypeJ2EE | Server type J2EE | Compliance type if autodetect is disabled | |
sessionCheckInterval | Session cleanup interval (minutes) | Time between online list sweeping, removing user with no recent activity. | |
sessionLifetimeMaximum | Session lifetime (minutes) | Maximum time before last activity before users must log in again | |
sessionLifetimeMinutes | Session lifetime minutes | Length of user sessions (changeable at runtime) | |
systemOptimizeMemory | Minimize HEAP size | Always recommended < 1Gb RAM. Tradeoff between RAM and CPU time |
Interface behaviour
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
allowAliasQueryParameters | Allow Query alias parameters | Allow alternate names for parameters used in LIST searches. Alternate names can be set programmtically. | |
allowFieldSelectionInLists | Allow field selection in lists | Allow user to select which fields are displayed in LIST views | |
allowListQuickFilter | Allow for Quick filters i list views | Enable serach in lists by writing part of the name (a search box will appear) | |
allowListSubtableRendering | Data subtables in lists | Subtables can negatively affect performance | |
allowSubtableLists | Allow subtables in items (recommended) | Allow related child records to be displayed in ITEM level views | |
concurrencyWarnings | Warn on simultanous item editing | Users poll server for changes using AJAX in browser client (some performance impact). Note that only different users editing the same item will trigger a warning. | |
defaultLanguageID | Default Language (ID) | Language to use if nothing else is specified and autodetection is disabled. Test by adding &Language=[number] to URL | |
defaultStyleID | Default Style (ID) | Style (buttons) to use if nothing else is specified. Test by adding &Style=[number] to URL | |
defaultStylesheetID | Default Stylesheet (ID) | Stylesheet to use if nothing else is specified. Test by adding &Stylesheet=[number] to URL | |
defaultTemplateID | Default Template (ID) | Form template to use in ITEM mode if nothing else is specified. Test by adding &Template=[number] to URL | |
defaultWrapperID | Default Wrapper (ID) | WrapperID to use if nothing else is specified. Test by adding &Wrapper=[number] to URL | |
doFormAutosave | Autosave changed forms | Allow editor to autocommit data before session times out | |
doItemBrowserTitle | Display item resume in browser title | Change browser title/tab title to current records Resume value in ITEM mode | |
doItemCreateAddMore | Button to add more records | Add multiple records during new record creation (button) | |
doItemMenuCopyPaste | Show copy/paste in during record edits | Extra buttons for copy/paste operations in ITEM mode | |
DoLinkedCSS | CSS style links | Link CSS content so that browsers can cache the content. Recommended. | |
doListShowAllFields | Allow show all fields button | Optional button i menu for selecting all columns / fields in LIST mode | |
doListShowAllRecords | Allow show all records in list view | Optional button i menu for selecting all records in LIST mode | |
doListShowLinkHeader | Display link in headers | Display link to list as part of header name | |
doListShowNameHeader | Display header in lists | Display the name of the solution above the list | |
doListShowSearchHeader | Show search headers | Display descriptive header in search form | |
doPageNavigatorAllways | Allways show navigator in lists | Page navigator can be disabled if all records can displayed in one page | |
doPersonalFlagsOnItems | Display user flags on items | Allow users to make bookmark / personal comments on single items | |
doPersonalLinksOnItems | Display personal links on single items | Display submenu of personal options in ITEM mode. By default only displayed i list / main mode | |
doPersonalLinksOnLists | Display personal links on lists | Display submenu of personal options in LIST mode. | |
doRecentItemsBookmarks | Show recent items list | Trach and diaply recently accessed items. | |
doStatusFinalDisableEditing | Disable editing if status is final | Allow records to be edited even after the item has reached a status that is final | |
DoTimeDecimal | Display date sums with decimals | Is time measured on items displayed using decimal og integer values | |
errorAdvancedView | Advanced error handling | Display explanation and contact details if exceptions occur | |
errorUnkownImage | Advanced error logo | Logo to display i advanced error handling | |
guiClickableList | Click/doubleclick lists | List views can be clicked to edit (double) or show (single) | |
guiDialogAdvanced | Use advanced popups | Uses JQuery style dialog for poup windows with inline scrolling | http://jqueryui.com/dialog/ |
guiFieldHelpOffsetLeft | Field help popup offset LEFT | Window relative position to link on X axis | |
guiFieldHelpOffsetTop | Field help popup offset TOP | Window relative position to link on Y axis | |
guiPreventDoubleClick | Prevent doubleclick | Deactivate multi click on codeunit buttons | |
guiSetFormFocus | Set form focus | Set focus to first element in edit mode | |
guiSmartKeystrokes | Use keyboard navigation | Navigate with arrow keys, escape and tabulation | Features/Key navigation |
guiTouchEnhancement | Enhance touch experience | Make larger buttons and enable quicksearch by default | |
headerSeperator | Seperator sign for headers | Dot between header parts - ex. MySolution - Dashboard | |
mainRedirect | Main menu redirect active | Redirect to alternative main menu active | |
mainRedirectUrl | Main menu redirect URL | Local path ex. main?command=list&SagID=0 | |
renderMenuItemClass | Use CSS class for menu items | Give unique class property to each menu item. | |
subformLinesDefault | Number of lines in subforms | Default number of records displayed in subforms | |
toolBarcodeParameters | Barcode additional parameters | Extra parameter for barcode, for tweaking size, type etc. | |
userOnlineList | Maintain list of online users | Monitor users online - ie. users with an active session on the server. Recommended in single front server environments. | |
userRequireAcceptTerms | Require new user to accept usage terms | Configure text in System configurations |
Active directory
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
ldapAuthentication | Use LDAP authentication | Is LDAP logon active ? | Integration/LDAP |
ldapAuthenticationFallback | Use fallback authentication if LDAP fails | Allow internal database verfication using stored passwords, in the event that the LDAP server fails to respond properly. | Integration/LDAP |
ldapCreateUsers | Allow creation of new users | Create users logging in, that cannot be found inside the LDAP. User must belong to ldapDomainDefault | Integration/LDAP |
ldapDomainDefault | Default domain | Integration/LDAP | |
ldapMaintainGroupsOnLogon | Maintain groups on logon | LDAP validation also synchronizes groups found for logged in user. | Integration/LDAP |
ldapServer | LDAP setup: LDAP server | Use IP or network name | Integration/LDAP |
ldapUsername | LDAP setup: USERNAME | Service account username. User needs only read access. | Integration/LDAP |
ldapPassword | LDAP setup: PASSWORD | Service account username. Note this password is stored cleartext. | Integration/LDAP |
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
doAdvancedGroupSecurity | Advanced group security | Enables: A) Groups inside groups B) Multiple exclusive groups | |
policyHideValues | Hide overloaded policies | Hide values for policies that have been overloaded in the application deployment file | |
securityAllowPublicCodeunits | Allow anonoumus codeunit execution | It is considered safe to use special codeunits | |
securityEnforceExclusiveGroup | Require normal users to have Exclusive groups | All users except Admins must have at least 1 exclusive group | |
securityLoginFailedAttempts | Login max failed logins | Number of failed logins before accounts will be disabled | |
securityLoginFailedAutoReset | AutoReset users | Automatically reset users that have failed maximum number of logins (sends new password) | |
securityPasswordAcceptMD5digest | Allow MD5 hashed passwords | Recommended in transition between MD5 (minor flaws) and SHA256 (very secure) | |
securityPasswordCleartext | Store passwords cleartext | Allow passwords to be stored without one-way encryption | |
securityPasswordCleartextAllowed | Allow cleartext passwords | Optionally encode all password using admin services | |
securityResetPasswordWithoutLogin | Reset password without login | ||
securitySslLogin | SSL encryption for login page | Enforce usage of SSL connections on login page using internal redirect. Recommended. | Setting up SSL/HTTPS |
securitySslPages | SSL encryption for ALL pages | Enforce usage of SSL connections on all page using internal redirect. Not recommended. | Setting up SSL/HTTPS |
securityTokenExpiryEnforce | Deny old style access tokens | ||
ssoSpnegoAuthenticate | SSO via domain controller | Allow SPNEGO filter to automatically log in authenticated Windows users | |
ssoCryptoTokenActive | SSO token authentication | Allow single sigon from externatal components (ex. TS SSO webpart) | |
ssoCryptoTokenSecret | SSO token shared secret | Shared secret password between TS and external services. Value must match exactly. |
Scheduled services
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
accountAnonoumousMeasure | Anonoumous account (UserID) | UserID used for normal system iteractions using the solution interfaces | |
adminWarningSmsList | Warning SMS number list | List of administrator mobile phone lists (for notifications) | |
healthMonitorPassword | Health monitor password | Parameter/password to access basic monitor service without a login (usage: service?healtMonitorPassword) | |
integrationInvokeCodeunit | Integration execute codeunit | Execute codeunits during dataintegration / webservices | |
maintenenceEmergencyDelay | Emergency shutdown delay | Number of minutes to warn users when af EMERGENCY signal is sent to the server from the admin services | |
maintenenceLockdoorDelay | Maintenence disable login delay | Number of minutes before af shutdown where users are no longer allowed to log in | |
maintenenceShutdownDelay | Maintenence shutdown delay | Number of minutes to warn users when af MAINTENENCE signal is sent to the server from the admin services | |
measureAnonoumous | Measure anonoumous users | ||
measureInsertDelayCount | Measure insert delay (items) | ||
measureInsertDelayMinutes | Measure insert delay (minutes) | ||
measureInsertUsingBatch | Measure insert in batches | ||
serviceAdminStatusEmail | Administrator email | Administrator email for sending status updates | |
serviceStatusActionSendDirectly | Send status actions directly by mail | False: Insert into user notifications. True: Send per email | |
serviceWebsiteMonitorGW | Website monitor goodword | Information that needs to be found in a page located at serviceWebsiteMonitorURL | |
serviceWebsiteMonitorURL | Website monitor URL | Address to monitor where the serviceWebsiteMonitorGW should be found | |
userOnlineAlertOnNewNotification | Notify online users directly | Display new button when users are allready logged in | |
userOnlineListDisplayCount | Display number of online users | Display number of online users at bottom of all pages |
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
debugCacheResponse | Caching succes / failure | Log effects of caching. | |
debugDaemonActivity | Debug daemon runs | Log all runs for Service and Server daemon | |
debugDataLoads | Debug while loading data (CSV/XML) | Debugging option for designers and developers | |
debugExceptions | Debug all Exceptions | Writes stacktrace to logfiles. Alternative: Only write to eventlog. | |
debugIntegration | Debug integration messages | Debugging option for designers and developers | |
debugLdapCommunication | Debug LDAP communication | Debugging option for designers and developers | |
debugLdapStacktrace | Debug LDAP error details | Debugging option for designers and developers | |
debugLdapValidation | Debug LDAP validation | Debugging option for designers and developers | |
debugLoginResults | Debug all user logins | Debugging option for designers and developers | |
debugOlapDefinitions | Debug OLAP definitions | Write all schemas and querys to logfiles on boot | |
debugQuerySQL | Debug all SQL queries | All queries are written to System.out / logfile | |
debugQuestionaire | Debug questionaire steps | Display extra information in questionaire mode | |
debugRequestPerSecond | Debug requests/second | Calculate server load on run. Results are sent to System.out / logfile | |
debugRequestTime | Debug response time | ||
debugRequestTimeToPage | Debug response time on page | Display response time in bottom of all pages (no performance impact). | |
debugScriptFunctions | Debug JavaScript | Allow JS errors to be displayed | |
debugServiceDaemon | Debug the Service runner Daemon | Write extra information from service clients to log files | |
debugTemplateHandling | Debug template parsing | Debugging option for designers and developers | |
debugTokenEvaluation | Debug token evaluation | Debugging option for designers and developers | |
debugWebservices | Debug the Webservice interface | Debugging option for designers and developers |
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
folderImportFile | Folder: Import files | Processing folder. Will be set to default value if left empty. | |
folderIntegrationCSV | Folder: CSV data files | Processing folder. Will be set to default value if left empty. | Policy/folderIntegrationCSV |
folderIntegrationMail | Folder: Mail integration (temporary) | Processing folder. Will be set to default value if left empty. | |
folderIntegrationXML | Folder: XML integration processing | Processing folder. Will be set to default value if left empty. | Policy/folderIntegrationXML |
folderTemplateLoad | Folder: Template cache | Processing folder. Will be set to default value if left empty. | |
folderTemplateSave | Folder: Template processing | Processing folder. Will be set to default value if left empty. | |
folderUpload | Folder: Upload | Will be set to default value if left empty. | |
folderUploadTemp | Folder: Upload processing | Processing folder. Will be set to default value if left empty. | |
mediaFilterDelayMS | Media files download latency | Use if filesystem is slow to pick up changes | |
overloadApplicationFolder | Application folder | Option to override. Empty value = autodetect | |
uploadPictureResize | Reduce uploaded pictures | Resize all pictures sent to server to size defined in uploadPictureSizeMaximum | |
uploadPictureSizeMaximum | Picture maximum size | Scale pictures to this maximum of pixels. Maximum height/width determines size. Only works if uploadPictureResize is set | |
uploadPictureSizeThumbnail | Thumbnail maximum size | ||
uploadClientScaling | Use clientside graphic scaling | Let browser resize pictures before upload | |
uploadClientScalingExclude | Clientside exlusion test for scaling | Set to "false" or exclusion pattern:
/Android(?!.*Chrome)|Opera/ .test(window.navigator && navigator.userAgent) |
[1] |
uploadThreadProcessing | Upload processing threads | Beta function. Handle file processing with threads to improve Ui responsiveness. | |
uploadThreadOnlyPictures | Upload processing threads: Graphics only | Restrict upload threads to resizeable graphics. Requires Upload processing threads |
Service daemon
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
serviceAutostart | Autostart service daemon | Start the service daemon after boot. | |
serviceDaemonHeartbeatSeconds | Run daemon every seconds | Frequency of daemon runs. Value should match the frequency of the most demanding service. | |
serviceLogentriesConsolidate | Compress logs | ||
serviceLogentriesMaximumAge | Maximum age logs | ||
serviceNotificationDeleteAfterDays | Maximum age notifications |
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
eventDelayWrite | Burst-write events | Collect Events together in bundles in order to optimize dataload. Events can be written forcefully using the service servlet. | |
eventDelayWriteItemMaximum | Burst-write event count | Number of events before burstwrite executes. Events can be written forcefully using the service servlet. | |
eventPrintToStandardOut | Copy errors to server log | Write errors to logfiles when logging to builtin eventlog in the database | |
eventWriteSuccesfullLogins | Write succesfull logins | Log all user logins to the event log. Note that all logins regardless are logged on the user profile. |
Mail server
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
mailDomain | POP3: Domain | ||
mailPassword | POP3: Password | Mail account password. Note this password is stored cleartext. | |
mailServer | POP3: Server | ||
mailUsername | POP3: Username | Mail account username. | |
smtpMailDelaySec | SMPT: Message delay | Delay in SECONDS between sending emails | Email server setup |
smtpPassword | SMTP: Account password | Password for SMTP account set in smtpUsername. Note this password is stored cleartext. | Email server setup |
smtpSendRetries | SMTP: Number of retries | Number of attempts to send email from queue before giving up | Email server setup |
smtpServer | SMTP: Server address | Network location of the SMTP server | Email server setup |
smtpSystemEmail | SMTP: System mail address | Sender address (from) set on all automatically generated emails. | Email server setup |
smtpTestEmail | SMTP: Test email address | Recipient of all mails when test mode is activated. Activate by enabling smtpTestMode | Email server setup |
smtpTestMode | SMTP: Test mode (send to test email) | Enable test mode where ALL emails are sent to address specified in smtpTestEmail | Email server setup |
smtpUsername | SMTP: Account name | Example: [email protected] | Email server setup |
Remote services
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
doLookupEnabledLinks | Allow lookup links for fields | ||
lookupServiceCvrRegisterUrl | URL to lookup CVR | ||
lookupServiceGeneral | URL to lookup text | ||
lookupServicePhonePersonUrl | URL to lookup contacts |
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
bruteforceCooldownMinutes | Bruteforce reject logins (minutes) | Time that logins are rejected after the bruteforce protection i activated. | Security/Bruteforce |
bruteforceMaxBadLogins | Bruteforce maximum failed logins | Amout of logins failed before new logins are rejected. Relative to bruteforceMeasurePeriod. | Security/Bruteforce |
bruteforceMeasurePeriod | Bruteforce measure period (minutes) | Timeframe for measuring amount of bad logins. Relative to bruteforceMaxBadLogins. | Security/Bruteforce |
bruteforceProtection | Bruteforce detection active | Enable brute force detection mechanisms | Security/Bruteforce |
securitySantizeAllUserInput | Check all user input for JScripts | Allow only if session variable protection is enabled |
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
licenseHolder | License: Owner | Company/intitution name on the license | |
licenseNumber | License: Number | ID received from your Tempus Serva distrbutor | |
licenseReportAdministrator | 2nd recipient of license reports | Secondary recepiant of license reporting. Normally the license seller. | |
licenseReportingEmail | 1st recipient of license reports | Primary recepiant of license reporting. Normally the responsible CIO. | |
licenseReportLicenseServer | License reporting active | License reporting active | |
licenseSerial | License: Serial code | Code received from your Tempus Serva distrbutor |
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
dbAutoUpdate | Update database on boot (recommended) | Strongly recommended. Allows system to update the database when new builds are deployed. | |
dbNameBase | SHARED database name | Schema name of database with common settings. Database can be shared between multiple installations. |
SMS service
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
smsConnectUrl | SMS Service gateway URL | ||
smsErrorMessage | SMS error message | ||
smsMaxLength | SMS maximum message length | ||
smsParamMessage | SMS parameter name: Message | ||
smsParamNumber | SMS parameter name: Number | ||
smsPhoneCountryCode | SMS phonenumber prefix | ||
smsPhoneMinLength | SMS phonenumber min length | ||
smsTestMode | SMS testmode active | Email server setup | |
smsTestNumber | SMS testmode number | Email server setup |
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
doInformationInMasterMenu | Allow news articles | Display relevant news articles and messages on main page | |
doMainMenuAccordion | Use animated main menu | Use slick JQuery dropdown accordion based on sections | http://jqueryui.com/accordion/ |
doMainMenuCreateItems | Display create link in main menu | Display button to create records directly from the mail menu | |
doMainMenuDescription | Display descriptions in main menu | Display solution description in the main menu. Alternatively you can just leave the desciption empty. | |
doMainMenuRecentItems | Display recent items in main menu | Display list of recent items accessed for each solution in the list. | |
doMainMenuSections | Divide menu into solution groups | Split the main menu into sections. | |
doViewListInMasterMenu | Show user views in master menu | Display list of shared and personal views in the main menu |
Special fields
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
allowMultilookupInLists | Allow multilookup in list views | Minor performance impact | |
allowRecursiveDelete | Allow recursive record deletion | Allow deletion of parent items to propagate (configure each solution) | |
allowRelationDuringCreation | Create related records before save | Allow users to create new child records before the parent is submitted / created. | |
doSmartDateInput | Smart sate input | Use relative date inputs (example: -1 = yesterday) | Policy/doSmartDateInput |
lookupCheckKeysAllways | Lookup allways check key values | ||
lookupIgnoreErrors | Lookup ignore errors | ||
lookupIgnoreErrorsAjax | Lookup ignore AJAX errors | ||
lookupRecordSingleItemChange | Display 1 record in lookup list changes | Lookup list elements will only display 1 reference after being set the first time | |
medicoCloakPersonUniqueID | Cloak person identification data (ex. CPR) | Partially hide sensitive information when not in ITEM edit mode. Example 112233-4455 becomes 112233-XXXX. | |
questionaireAutostart | Questionaire autostart | Make sure the user cannot navigate to anything else that the first question | |
questionaireLastButton | Last button in questionaires | Display a button to navigate to questionaires final page | |
questionaireLastResume | Questionaire missing field summary | Display missing fields on final page | |
questionaireProgress | Questionaire progress | Turns progress indication (bar/percentage/steps) on and off | |
questionaireProgressIcons | Questionaire progress: Bar | Display blue/grey arrows based on progress | |
questionaireProgressPercent | Questionaire progress: Percentage | Calculate the completion rate based on progress | |
questionaireProgressSteps | Questionaire progress: Steps | Display number of completed and leftover questions |
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
deletionBackup | Deletion backups | Perform backups before deleting solutions / fields | |
deletionBackupDefinition | Deletion copy definition | Copy metadata of solution before deletion | |
deletionBackupRecordLimit | Deletion backup record limit | Maximum number of records before tables are backup up before deletion | |
designerDisplayHelp | Display help section in designer (this menu) |
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
cssStylesheetBasic | Include Basic stylesheet | Disable if you want 100% style control | |
cssStylesheetJQuery | Include JQuery stylesheet | Disable if you want 100% style control | |
diagramLargeHeight | Diagram height large | Ex. Runchart details | |
diagramLargeWidth | Diagram width large | Ex. Runchart details | |
diagramSmallHeight | Diagram height small | Ex. Runchart overview | |
diagramSmallWidth | Diagram width small | Ex. Runchart overview | |
renderListGroupColumns | Use grouping columns | Group column i moved to the first in the list | |
renderListGroupHeaders | Use grouping headers | Alternative: Group values displayed as column | |
renderListSortColumns | Use sorting columns | Sort column i moved to the first in the list | |
standardHeightMemo | Standard textarea Height | Default height of TEXTAREA. Value can be overloaded in each field configuration. | |
standardTextCropLength | Text default crop length | ||
standardWidthHeader | Header standard width | ||
standardWidthMemo | Standard textarea Width | Default width of TEXTAREA. Value can be overloaded in each field configuration. | |
standardWidthText | Standard inputbox size | Standard INPUT field size. Value can be overloaded in each field configuration. | |
windowDefaultHeight | New window height (pixels) | Standard height for IFRAME and popup windows | |
windowDefaultWidth | New window width (pixels) | Standard width for IFRAME and popup windows |
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
defaultHtmlDoctype | HTML DOCTYPE | First line of HTML response. Change if you need specific HTML compliance. System is natively xhtml 1.0 compliant. | |
defaultHtmlEncoding | General encoding for server | Codepage displayed inside the html tag | |
defaultHtmlVersion | HTML version number | Version information displayed inside the html tag | |
doIncludeJQuery | Include JQuery library | Include JQuery in compability mode | |
doPageSelectViaJquery | Page selectors via JQuery | Use JS components for page selectors (default: static html) | |
doIncludeScriptUserInfo | Insert user info JS variables | Inject user information in pages for use with custom JavaScripts | |
heatmapCellColorIcon | Heatmap cell icon | Special content inserted into all heatmap cells | Moved to buttons/style in version 8945 |
heatmapInvertAxis | Heatmap invert axis | Display variables on Y axis and records on X axis | |
heatmapItemLinks | Heatmap links to items | Allow direct links from heatmap records | |
heatmapLegendMap | Heatmap legend | Display legend map of full variable names | |
pageselectorTableLayout | Pageselector in tables | Render pagesselectors as tables (normal = div) | |
renderLinksCompliant | Render links HTML 4.0 compliant | Encode links to satisfy HTML4 specification | |
useGoogleChart | Technology diagram: Google | Alternative use ChartJS (not recommended any more) | |
useNewChart | Beta: Use new chart implementation | Dashboard diagram widget configuration | |
diagramChartJSColors | Colors for charts | Set the colors used by ChartJS | Dashboard diagram widget configuration |
useScriptulous | Technology script: Scriptulous | Alternative use JQuery (recommended) |
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
buildTestLinesDefault | Build test data default size | Amount of lines copied from live system when building sets of test data | |
testSessionBackground | Testsession use background | Markup when in test mode:. Set background image with this URL. | |
testSessionInlineText | Testsession page information | Markup when in test mode:. Put extra HTML specified in page. | |
testSessionTitleChange | Testsession use title | Markup when in test mode:. Set browser title to this text. |
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
codeunitLoadExternal | Load external codeunits | Allow server to load JAR files outside webapplication WEB-INF folder | |
codeunitPathJarFile | Filesystem folder for codeunits | Folder that is considered safe to use for built-in class loader | |
codeunitPathJarLink | Http URL folder for coedunits | URL that is considered safe to use for built-in class loader | |
safeCreateAddGroup1 | Fullauto: Add group A | Option for full auto user/exclusivegroup creation | |
safeCreateAddGroup2 | Fullauto: Add group B | Option for full auto user/exclusivegroup creation | |
safeCreateIsDatahandler | Fullauto: Assign DataHandler role | Option for full auto user/exclusivegroup creation | |
safeCreateIsUserCreator | Fullauto: Assign UserCreator role | Option for full auto user/exclusivegroup creation |
Language / I18N
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
languageGetFromBrowser | Determine langauge from browser | Pick up language settings from the browsers settings | |
languageUseI18N | Use Internationalization | Allow solutions to take advantage of I18N. Configure each solution seperately. |
OLAP cubes
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
olapDateDimensionYearEnd | OLAP Time dimension last year | ||
olapDateDimensionYearStart | OLAP Time dimension first year | ||
olapEngineFolderURL | OLAP engine URL (optional) | ||
olapRebuildOnBoot | Rebuild OLAP on boot | Rewrite cube defintions and queries | |
olapUseSingleSignon | OLAP Single Sign On | Allow external users with security tokens (set OLAP folder to use dedicated server) | |
allowRemoteOlapSchema | OLAP schema service | Activate schema delivery service (remote OLAP servers) | |
olapSchemaPassword | OLAP schema service password | Experimental: Password for use with the schema delivery service (remote OLAP servers) | |
olapJPivotEnabled | JPivot OLAP enabled | Is the internal OLAP engine enabled (JPivot) | |
olapJpivotIncludeDefaultCubes | Jpivot schema include default cubes | Include autogenerated cubes with generated permissions | |
olapSaikuEnabled | Saiku OLAP enabled | Experimental: Is the external OLAP engine enabled (saiku) | |
olapSaikuIncludeCustomCubes | Saiku schema include custom cubes | Include custom cubes with default permissions | |
olapSaikuSettingWebapp | Optional saiku web application name | Default if value is left empty: <current webapp name> + "Saiku" | Example: /SaikuWebapp |
olapSaikuSettingServerUrl | Optional saiku server URL | Default if value is left empty: <same server> | Example: http://myserver.com |
REST webservice
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
restActive | REST is activated | Option: Disable in web.xml | |
restAllowAnonoumous | Annonumous REST sessions | Webuser can interact if given permission | |
restAllowAnonoumousSchema | Annonumous REST metadata | Webuser can interact if given permission | |
restListPageSize | REST list service page length | Maximum mnuber of items displayed in a search | |
restStrongTypeRequest | Strong types REST requests | Use strong types in WADL | |
restStrongTypeResponse | Strong types REST response | Use strong types in XSD |
Password policy
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
passwordExpiry | Password Expiry | Allow passwords to expire according to value set in passwordExpiryAge | |
passwordExpiryAge | Password Expiry age | Maximum age of passwords | |
passwordExpiryWarning | Days to warn for password exipry | Dars to start warning the user about their password expirng, as defined by passwordExpiryAge | |
passwordReqCheckOnLogon | Password check rules OnLogon | Enforce password rules on all logons | |
passwordRequireLength | Password require length | Minimum total length of password | |
passwordRequireLowercase | Password require Lowercase | Content rule lowercase letters (ex. abc) | |
passwordRequirements | Password requirements | Enforce password rules | |
passwordRequireNumbers | Password require Numbers | Content rule numbers (ex. 123) | |
passwordRequireSpecial | Password require Special | Content rule special characters (ex. !#%&) | |
passwordRequireUppercase | Password require Uppercase | Content rule uppercase letters (ex. ABC) |
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
statisticsRegressionInfo | Extra regression info | Display advanvced regression correllation information | |
statisticsTargetPValue | Target p-value for tests | At what p-values are tests considered significant |
Satelite server handling
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
serverSateliteMaster | Master: Server is MASTER | The master server controls the satelite, and contains ALL data | |
sateliteDatabaseHost | Master: Satelite DB hostname | Connection information for satelite database (requires R/W access) | |
sateliteDatabaseJDBC | Master: Satelite DB database | Connection information for satelite database (requires R/W access) | |
sateliteDatabaseUser | Master: Satelite DB username | Connection information for satelite database (requires R/W access) | |
sateliteDatabasePass | Master: Satelite DB password | Connection information for satelite database (requires R/W access) | |
serverSateliteSlave | Satelite: Server is SATELITE | Warning: The satelite is controlled by the master server, and contains a SUBSET of data | |
allowRemoteCacheReset | Satelite: Cache reset allowed via URL | Allow anonoumous cache reset using only password | |
cacheResetNowPassword | Satelite: Cache reset password | Password to include in the URL for the cache reset |
FTP server
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
ftpDbConnection | CrushFTP database Connection | Connection string for CrushFTP authorization database. Example: jdbc:mysql:// | |
ftpDbUsername | CrushFTP database Username | Username CrushFTP database | |
ftpDbPassword | CrushFTP database Password | Password CrushFTP database | |
ftpServerPortFtp | CrushFTP port for FTP | Default 21 | |
ftpServerPortHttp | CrushFTP port for HTTP | Default 8081 for side by side installation |
Menu customization
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
menuLayoutDefault | Menu default layout name | Choose between: layoutClassic layoutRibbon layoutBlockLeft layoutBlockRight | |
menuLayoutSelector | Allow user to select menu layout | Layout position selectors will displayed in the main menu | |
menuLevelAdvancedDefault | Menu default advanced | Display all menu items by default | |
menuLevelSelector | Allow user to select menu level | Simple / advanced selectors will displayed in the main menu |
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
webdavMapDriveInMenu | Map drive button | Add map network drive button in main menu | |
webdavSessionLifetime | Session token lifetime | Age before session tokens expire | |
webdavSessionTokens | Session token | Session tokens allows direct editing from UI with doing authentication again | |
webdavSessionTokensRevalidate | Session token revalidate | Allow user to do basic authentication if a token expires or gets deregistered | |
webdavSupport | Allow WebDAV | Activate WebDAV for files stored i solution records |
Single Sign On
System name | Display name | Explantion | Extra info |
oauthLoginDisplay | SSO from login page | Display SSO links on login page | |
oauthFacebookAllow | Facebook SSO active | ||
oauthFacebookClient | Facebook API username | https://developers.facebook.com/apps/ | |
oauthFacebookSecret | Facebook API password | https://developers.facebook.com/apps/ | |
oauthGoogleAllow | Google SSO active | ||
oauthGoogleClient | Google API username | https://developer.linkedin.com/documents/authentication | |
oauthGoogleSecret | Google API password | https://developer.linkedin.com/documents/authentication | |
oauthLinkedinAllow | LinkedIn SSO active | ||
oauthLinkedinClient | LinkedIn API username | https://console.developers.google.com/project/ts-oauth2-v1000/apiui/credential?clientType | |
oauthLinkedinSecret | LinkedIn API password | https://console.developers.google.com/project/ts-oauth2-v1000/apiui/credential?clientType |