EC2 server recovery

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Recovery procedure without database backup

Changes in AWS

  1. Make a snapshot of the running server
  2. Make a volume from the snap shot
  3. Name the volume: RESTORE COPY
  4. Create a NEW server
  5. Attatch the RESTORE COPY to NEW server on /dev/sdf

Connect to new server

  1. Install TS client tools
  2. ts quick-install
  3. ts stop-webserver
  4. ts stop-database
  5. mkdir /mnt/oldroot
  6. sudo mount /dev/nvme1n1p1 /mnt/oldroot
  7. sudo rm -r /var/lib/mysql
  8. sudo cp -r /mnt/oldroot/var/lib/mysql /var/lib
  9. ts start-database
  10. mysql -uroot -p -e "UPDATE applive.systempolicy SET PolicyValue='false' WHERE PolicyName LIKE 'securitySsl%'"
  11. sudo rm -r /mnt/sda/*
  12. sudo cp -r /mnt/oldroot/usr/tempusserva/sda/* /mnt/sda/
  13. sudo chmod 777 -R /mnt/sda/files
  14. sudo cp /mnt/oldroot/usr/share/tomcat8/conf/Catalina/localhost/* /usr/share/tomcat8/conf/Catalina/localhost
  15. ts start-webserver
  16. Ensure server is running

Changes in AWS

  1. Stop NEW server
  2. Detatch RESTORE COPY
  3. Stop OLD server
  4. Deassociate IP from OLD server
  5. Associate IP to NEW server
  6. Start NEW server

Connect to new server

  1. ts install-ssl
  2. mysql -uroot -p -e "UPDATE applive.systempolicy SET PolicyValue='true' WHERE PolicyName LIKE 'securitySsl%'"
  3. ts restart-webserver

Steps is using S3 filesystem

  1. Server_maintenence#Moving_files_to_S3_storage
    • Step: Add IAM role to server
    • Step: Install the mountpoint