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What it does

Clones the entire webapp to another server.

Only works on linux.

First setup

  1. Generate an SSH key for the tomcat-user on the source server sudo -u tomcat ssh-keygen
  2. Add the public key to a user on the target server that has sudo-access
  3. Connect from the source server, as tomcat, to the target server and accept the certificate
  4. Add configurations

How to invoke

Invoke the codeunit, as an admin. eg.



Control the behavior with the following url-parameters.

Parameter Desctiption
with-users Also clones the users and their groups
with-files Also clones the files uploaded
dont-backup-target Does not create a copy of the database on the target server with the name _backupyyyyMMddHHmm
dont-clean Does not remove the sql files on both systems


Config Default Description
CloneSystem.targetServer IP or domain of target server
CloneSystem.targetUser ec2-user Name of the user that is being used on the target server
CloneSystem.targetBasePath Policy:applicationBasePath Webapps, folder on target server
CloneSystem.targetApp Policy:applicationName Application name on target server
CloneSystem.targetDb DbLive-name Name of live server on target server

Developer info

  • Type: CodeunitPagecontent
  • Security: Requires session