Integration/Content source

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Setting up a content source

Many parameters are straight forward

  • Related solution
  • Max cache age
  • Is active

Unique NAME

This is the calling name of the interface, that must be provided accessing the content service.

Example for calling the view myview

  ... /cmsservice?q=myview& ...

Query command

Relevant commands include

  • General records
    • list: List of records
    • show: Single record
  • HTML formatted views
    • heat: Heatmaps
    • gant: Gant charts
    • xtab: Pivot tables
    • calm: Calendar

Query parameters

Parameters are provided without URL encoding


Procedure for easy parameter setup

  1. Build views in frontend.
  2. Activate the link and copy the URL
  3. ´Remove unneeded parameters
    • command
    • SagID

Possible parameters

QUERY_FIELD_n Part of the search/filter. The field to filter by.
QUERY_OPERATOR_n Part of the search/filter. The way to filter. Full list Dashboard widget configuration
QUERY_VALUE_n Part of the search/filter. The value to filter by.
QUERY_SHOWFIELD The fields to show in the list, separated by space.
QUERY_PageSize Number of records to show pr page.
QUERY_PageOffset The page number to show.
QUERY_SortOrder The field to sort ascending by. Use either this or SortOrderDesc.
QUERY_SortOrderDesc The field to sort descending by. Use either this or SortOrder.
QUERY_Grouping The field to group records by.

Dynamic parameter

This specifies a parameter that will be set by the value provided in the v parameter.

Example: Using this interface

 Unique NAME: mylist
 Query command: list
 Dynamic parameter: QUERY_PageOffset

Making a call to


Will fetch a list of data and display page 2, because 2 is injected into QUERY_PageOffset.

Parameters and values are injected directly into the http request.

Note: Using the "show" command the variable will ALLWAYS get mapped to "DataID"

Using a content source

Calling the cmsinterface servlet will provide you with an overview on how to use it.


The interface requires just the name of the source, but additional parameters can be provided.


  • q: Name of the interface (required)
    • This name must match "Unique NAME"
  • f: Format of the result (optional)
    • Valid values: html json xml
  • v: Parameter for dynamic values (optional)
    • The value will be substituted to the parameter in "Dynamic parameter"




Configuration caching

For performance reasons information about the content sources is kept cached.

Adding or changing sources will propegate automatically : You will need to clear the system cache to pick the changes.

Parameter encoding

Note that URL's copied from a browser address bar are often encoded in HTML format.

The content will not decode values and request strings, so all encoded strings will fail.