Tutorial/Word documents from templates

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Basic template


  1. [Solution] > "Advanced" > Template: "Add"
    • Copy template tags from popup: "Template field tokens" > "Office"
  2. Prepare file on local PC
    • Copy placeholder tags from backend
    • Save in safe location so you dont need to download when updating later
  3. [Solution] > "Advanced" > Template: "Add"
    • Set content type to "MS Word" or "PDF"
    • Upload file
  4. If solution has more than 1 export template
    • Check that solution has [Solution] > "Advanced" >"Template selector" enabled

Tutorial wordtemplate.PNG

Trouble shooting

Content from Tempus Serva is not displayed inside tags

  • Disable spelling/grammar
  • Take care not to edit the text inside tags
  • Select the whole tag before applying styling
  • Paste tags from notepad or other program without text styling


Subtemplates can be used for special fields that support the notion.

  • Complex question

The whole sub template is injected into the tag, as if it had been normal data.

Complex questions

Supported tag names


Complex questions

Supported tag names in first template


Supported tag names in second template


Special considerations

Named styling is not supported, but can work with a workaround.

  1. Copy styled content from subtemplate
  2. Paste into main template and save file
  3. Remove content and save again

Trouble shooting

Table page flow

Word does not respect table setting for page flow, so table rows break in undesired ways

  1. Create a new empty table with one cell (without borders)
  2. Rightclick cell and disable "Allow row to break across pages" / "Tillad opdeling af række"
  3. Paste the old table into the new table
