User creation

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Users can be created both in frontend and the designer

Designer user creation

Creating users

Users are created in one of the following places:

  • DESIGNER > Users > Add new user
  • DESIGNER > Users > Edit users > Add
  • DESIGNER > Users > Mass create

During creation remember til check the "Active" checkbox, if you want the user to be available right away. Note that this will trigger the automated Welcome message for the user. Sending this messsage for inactive users after the initial creation, will require you to manually check of the options "Reset password and email to user" and "Include welcome message".

Customizing messages

The user messages can be configured in:

  • DESIGNER > Modules > Static content > "Template.WelcomeUser"
  • DESIGNER > Modules > Static content > "Template.PasswordReset"

For user invitations / password resets the following tags will be populated


Frontend user creation

Normal users can be allowed to create new users, if their profile allows it.

  • DESIGNER > Users > Edit users > [user in question] > "User creator/editor"

Having this permission the user can create users, by pressing the "create user" button in the main menu. The dialog will prompt for basic user information, as well as which groups the new user should be a member of.

The following restrictions apply

  1. Exclusive group will allways be copied
  2. Only groups to which the creator belongs may be used
  3. At least one group memebership must be cloned

After the user is created a welcome message will be sent to the user.

Note: It is not possible for normal users, to edit other users after they are created.