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The search window provides you with the following options:

  • Define filter/search values
  • Select which fields to display
  • Quick access to analysis

The setup of the list view can be saved for later use by using: View function

Setting search values

When setting search criterions these are appended to existing filters. Normally "AND" operators are not needed, as Tempus Serva assumes an implicit AND between multiple criterions


  1. The list is filtered with: Status = "New"
  2. Another criterion is set: Date > 31/12/2012
  3. The list now displays only values where
    • The field Status has the value "New"
    • AND
    • The field Date has a value greater than 31/12/2012

Criterions are displayed at the bottom of the page, and remain in place untill you add the "New serach" option when searching or you log out of the system. Note that each criterion can be removed by pressing the minus icon.

Selecting fields for display

By enabling/disabling the checkbox next to a field, you can control is the field is displayed in the list.

Note that

  • It is possible to set criterions for fields that are not displayed
  • Data exports til XL includes an option to display ALL fields in an export

Quick analysis

Some fields have an graph icon next to them, which allows access to analyse this variable.

This will provide you with

  • A count of the different values
  • A bar or piechart of the data