Command reference

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Understanding commands

Commands are specified in the command parameter when calling the main servlet

The core commands are

  • index
  • list
  • edit
  • new

View commands can also be used in Integration/Content_source

Command reference



command function required optional
<none> Default command
index Nested accordion list of all solutions
board Display default dashboard Dashboard

Single item

command function required optional
show Open record in display mode SagID DataID
edit Open record in edit mode SagID DataID
new Create new record in edit mode SagID DataID
save Post changes to data SagID DataID
export Display default dashboard SagID DataID

Single item related data

command function required optional
measure Summary of time usage on this item SagID DataID
status Timeline of status changes SagID DataID
access List of access to this item SagID DataID
revision List of all data revisions SagID DataID
timeline Summary changes, status & actions SagID DataID

Items list nested data

command function required optional
task List of all tasks SagID QUERY_PageOffset
file List of all files SagID QUERY_PageOffset
name List of all contacts SagID QUERY_PageOffset
mail List of all emails SagID QUERY_PageOffset

Lists / reports

command function required optional
list List records SagID QUERY_PageOffset
xtab Pivot table SagID
grid Two dimensional grid SagID
dist Distributions of all categories SagID
calm Month calendar view SagID
gant GANT chart SagID
maps Large map of all positions SagID
heat Columnar heatmap SagID
sums SagID


command function required optional
stav Analyze variable (count/sum) SagID
stat Chi or T2 test of groups SagID
stas Regression analysis SagID
staa Anova test of 1 or 2 groups SagID
stap Pareto diagram from variable SagID
star Interactive runchart SagID
stac Interval grouping SagID
staf Fisher exact tests SagID


command function required optional
sync Synchronizes DB tables with model SagID

Other services


The scan servlet will take input from HTTP calls, usually triggered from an QR or NFC scan.

The use is either

  1. Make an Object call, then an Action call (within 1 minute).
  2. Make an Action call, then an Object call (within 1 minute).
  3. Make a combined call with both Object and Action.

Required parameters is a Object, Action or both.


  • entity [string] (Entity system name)
  • object [int] (DataID)


  • field [string]
  • value [string]


  • result



  • data


  • type
  • appid
  • width
  • height
  • resolution