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Jobs uploadet to JobNet require the parameter JobDetails.JobLocation.OccupationConceptUri to be set to a valid OccupationConceptUri.
A wrapper has been made for this, it is part of the JobNet servlet.


Send a POST or GET-request to the servlet-endpoint "/getOccupations".
If an error occurs, the servlet will return HTTP-CODE 403 or 500 and a message in the body, telling you what was wrong.
If the request is successful a JSONArray wil be returned.
Invalid OccupationConceptUri's will be returned, because of backwards-compatibility. Filter these via the "valid" attribute.


        "valid": false,
        "description": "Borearbejdere (sten) betjener boremaskinen, der borer huller i stenblokke. De behandler granit, sandsten, marmor og skifer i overensstemmelse med specifikationerne.",
        "label": "borearbejder - sten",
        "uri": ""