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What it does

Moves a file from one document-field to another, on the same entity.

Works between document-fields with and without signing.

How to invoke

Add the following snippet to the entity scripts. This enables movement between all document-fields on the entity.

It adds another column to the file-lists, with a "Move" link. When clicked it opens a popup, with a dropdown where the new field can be selected.

const moveFile = (id, to) => {
	const params = new URLSearchParams(
		url: "main",
		method: "GET",
		data: {
			"command": "dk.tempusserva.codeunit.common.MoveFile",
			"SagID": params.get("SagID"),
			"DataID": params.get("DataID"),
			"FileID": id.split("_")[2],
			"FieldFrom": id.split("_")[1],
			"FieldTo": to,
		success: (data) => {
			if (data == "File moved") {
			} else {

$(() => {
	const moveFileAction = () => {
    moveFile($("#modeFileFrom").val(), $("#moveFileTo").val())
$(() => {
    $(".tableFiles").each((i,e) => {
        let t = $(e)
        t.find("thead").find("tr").each((i,e) => { $(e).append("<th></th>") })
        t.find("tbody").find("tr").each((i,e) => { $(e).append(`<td><a href="#" class="moveFile">Move</a></td>`) })
    $(".moveFile").on("click", (e) => {
        let t = $(e.currentTarget)
        let id = t.parent().parent().attr("id")
        let r = `<select class="form-control" id="moveFileTo">`
        r += `<option value="">Select a field</option>`;
        $(".uploadFiles").each((i,e) => {
            let p = $(e).parent().attr("id").replace("VB_DATA_", "")
            if (id.split("_")[1] != p) {
                let x = $(e).parent().parent().parent().find(`#NB_DATA_${p}`).html()
                r += `<option value="${p}">${x}</option>`
        r += "</select>"
            <div id="moveFilePopup" style="display: none;">
                <label>Move file to:</label>
                <input type="hidden" id="modeFileFrom" value="${id}"/>
                <a href="javascript:moveFileAction();" class="moveFileAction">Move</a>



Developer info

  • Type: CodeunitPagecontent (raw)
  • Security: Requires session