Running many parallel instances

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Before you go for a side-by-side setup please consider

  1. Examine possibilities to use Exclusive group data ownership (easy)
  2. Using docker containers (grants full application isolation)

Server setup (Tomcat)

  • Put WAR file in a shared location
  • Add descriptor file for each application in: /<tomcat>/conf/Catalina/localhost/

The file should contain a references in the codebase section

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <Context path="/TempusServa" docBase="C:/SharedApplications/TempusServa.war">

Note that new descriptor files can be added at runtime, and will not require a server restart.

Handling updates

Updates to the application are easy

  1. Update the .war file in the shared location
  2. Stop the application server
  3. Remove all folders inside /<tomcat>/webapps
  4. Start the application server

Saving memory

Each application instance will consume 20 MB of PermGen memory (clasloader memory) if the document building functions are in use (approx. 5 mB instance if not). In order to reduce this amount to approx. 2 mB/application, all shared librarys could be moved to the webservers shared folder (Tomcat 6 is "lib").

This approach is only recommended if:

  • You are running no other applications on that particular webserver (can be done)
  • Sure that all applications will be using the same TS version

Move all .jar files from the war files /WEB-INF/lib folder, except for: p2eShared.jar.

The easy way to complete this this task is to rename the .war til .zip, move the files, and rename back to .war.